Foods That Help Manage Gout

Foods That Help Manage Gout

Gout, a type of arthritis that is caused by excess uric acid in the body, causes severe pain and inflammation and mostly affects the big toe. Uric acid is produced by the body when foods containing purine are digested. So, avoiding the consumption of certain foods and including other beneficial foods can help manage the condition better. Here’s what to eat when suffering from gout: Legumes, vegetables, and fruits: Kids, and even adults at times, are repeatedly asked to finish the vegetables on their plate. Well, this is not without good reason. One must aim to eat a healthy dose of low-purine vegetables while going easy on the moderate- and high-purine content ones. For instance, beetroot, kailan, cabbage, and squash do not spike the uric acid levels when digested, but cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, and mushrooms are best consumed in moderation. Whole grains: Fibrous foods are among the most beneficial dietary choices if one is wondering what to eat when suffering from gout. Whole-grain foods contain complex carbohydrates that allow the body to digest the food slowly. Though they contain a moderate amount of purine, the benefits of eating whole foods far outweigh the risks. Several lifestyle-related diseases like heart attacks, hypertension, and cholesterol can be prevented by following a diet rich in complex carbohydrates.
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5 Foods That Help Fight Migraines Naturally

5 Foods That Help Fight Migraines Naturally

People prone to migraines are often anxious about getting an attack. A migraine can affect a person’s daily life and their ability to carry out their routine tasks, depending on the severity of the symptoms. The pounding headache, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound can ruin a regular workday or a fun weekend. Studies have shown that diet can help manage the condition, and while it may not cure migraines, here are some foods that can help avoid them: Coffee : One of the foods that can help avoid migraines when taken in moderation, the caffeine content in coffee helps shrink the swollen blood vessels in the brain. Legumes, vegetables, and fruits : There are solid reasons why parents and grandparents nag kids to eat their veggies. Vegetables, legumes, and fruits contain plant estrogen that is beneficial for overall health, and especially for mental health. Estrogen is important for the body, especially for menstruating women. Women who are prone to migraines during their monthly cycles may want to load on these to help cope with the condition. During menstruation, there may be a drop in the estrogen levels that causes migraines, but a healthy serving of these foods can ensure that the body has what it needs to combat the condition.
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Energy-Boosting Foods for COPD Patients

Energy-Boosting Foods for COPD Patients

COPD, a chronic lung disease that blocks airflow, makes breathing difficult for patients and can affect their day-to-day life. It is an irreversible energy-sapping condition, but an energy-boosting diet for COPD patients can help provide more energy, enabling them to lead a quality life with the condition. Here’s what an energy-boosting diet for COPD patients should include: Protein Protein-rich foods like meat, fish, and eggs should be an integral part of most meals for COPD patients. Protein helps build muscle and allows the body to heal, also helping stave off infections. Milk with oatmeal Since a nutritious breakfast is important for COPD patients, oatmeal is a great option. To begin with, one should add more blueberries and raspberries to their oatmeal, along with their choice of milk. In some cases, milk can cause more phlegm, but one can opt for more dairy-free options like oat milk or nut milk. Also, it’s best to skip the sugar to make it a healthy breakfast option and an integral part of an energy-boosting diet for COPD patients. High-calorie nutritious foods Since most COPD patients feel tired as the body uses extra energy to carry out the breathing process, high-calorie foods are required to increase their energy levels.
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4 Foods to Help Manage Schizophrenia

4 Foods to Help Manage Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that causes hallucinations, disorderly thinking, and/or delusions. The condition requires lifelong treatment that often combines therapy sessions, medications, and other methods that a physician deems fit. There is a deep connection between an individual’s dietary choices and their mental health, so let’s look at how schizophrenia and dietary choices are interrelated. Here are the foods schizophrenia patients can include in their diets to manage the symptoms: Fruits:  One aspect of the link between schizophrenia and dietary habits is that patients showcase a deficiency of fiber. If one is not getting enough fiber through their current diet, they should add fruits rich in fiber and vitamins. Patients can consider including pears, apples, raspberries, and mango to their diet. Raspberries top the list of fibrous fruits, with about 8 grams of fiber per cup. While they lower cholesterol levels, they also work to prevent health conditions generally associated with schizophrenia. One can keep digestion troubles, heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity at bay by eating foods rich in fiber. Vegetables:  A healthy serving of vegetables in every meal is bound to keep an individual fit, both physically and mentally. Vegetables are low in fat and calories, making them perfect for those looking to lose weight.
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6 Simple, Healthy Snack Ideas

6 Simple, Healthy Snack Ideas

With growing awareness about the significance of health and nutrition, many have started opting for nutrition-rich snacks that are small meals by themselves. These snack options are not only tasty but packed with essential minerals and vitamins, helping improve overall health. Here are a few nutritious snacks that can help you meet your fitness goals: Vegetable sticks and hummus Veggies are known to be excellent for health as they are packed with the required vitamins and minerals. They help reduce the risk of various chronic conditions, so what’s better than veggie sticks and healthy homemade hummus when thinking about nutrition-rich snacks that are small meals by themselves. Just slice up your favorite veggies into sticks and pair them with chickpea hummus that’s packed with proteins. You can easily make hummus at home using tahini, chickpeas, salt, olive oil, lemon juice, and salt, and opt for radish, broccoli, bell pepper, and celery sticks. It makes for a delectable and satisfying snack that keeps you full until your next meal. Coconut chips Coconut chips are healthy and nutritious, and they are packed with fiber and fats, making them a perfect substitute for store-bought potato chips. Large coconut flakes are used for this snack, and they are tossed unsweetened in melted coconut oil.
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7 Foods That May Intensify Depression Symptoms

7 Foods That May Intensify Depression Symptoms

Diet is a leading contributor to one’s wellbeing, which includes both physical and mental health. Although there is no specific diet to treat depression, certain foods that can worsen depression should be eliminated from the diet if one is trying to fight depressive symptoms. Let’s look at a few foods to avoid to keep depression at bay: Sugar : Consuming sugary foods satiates the taste buds but can increase blood sugar levels and enhance inflammation in the brain and body. The energy rush caused by sugar intake lowers after half an hour, resulting in plummeting blood glucose levels and depletion of energy, which can also lead to sleep disorders. The increase in brain inflammation also elevates the risk of depression. Processed foods : If one eats a lot of processed foods like processed meat, candy, refined cereals, pastries, and fried food, they are more likely to face depression. These foods might be the easiest way to fill the stomach when one is hungry, but they leave a person anxious and depressed after digestion. It’s better to opt for vegetables, fruits, and whole foods instead. Artificial sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners are harmful additives in foods that can worsen depression and lead to mood swings and dips, insomnia, headache, and reduce the production of serotonin, resulting in depression.
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Dietary and Lifestyle Tips to Manage Ulcerative Colitis Naturally

Dietary and Lifestyle Tips to Manage Ulcerative Colitis Naturally

Ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease, leads to symptoms like fever, loss of appetite, digestive troubles, blood in stools, and rapid heart rate. Most medications for the condition can cause serious side effects, especially if taken for prolonged periods, so many people turn to natural ways to manage the symptoms. Here’s how to beat ulcerative colitis naturally and lead a healthy life: Dietary changes Several dietary changes may help alleviate the frequency and intensity of ulcerative colitis flare-ups. For the best results, patients should maintain a daily journal that lists all the food items they eat and the easing or worsening of any symptoms after that. Here are a few important dietary changes to manage the symptoms: Probiotics are rich sources of healthy bacteria that promote gut health and improve digestion. These healthy bacteria can also boost immunity, helping alleviate the symptoms of the condition. Patients should include probiotics like yogurt, sauerkraut, tempeh, and miso in their daily diet to relieve inflammation. Ulcerative colitis can also cause diarrhea in some people, so one should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, especially during an episode of diarrhea. People with this condition fail to absorb enough nutrients from the food they eat, so they must take calcium and vitamin D supplements to avoid deficiency and bone loss.
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6 Tasty and Healthy Diabetes-Friendly Snacks

6 Tasty and Healthy Diabetes-Friendly Snacks

Diabetes is fast becoming a common health issue, and it also elevates the risk of other health issues. The disease needs to be managed effectively to ensure that it does not cause harm to any organs, and incorporating certain dietary changes and adding snacks that are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Here are a few common snacks that are diabetes-friendly: Boiled eggs Boiled eggs are one of the best and most common snacks that are diabetes-friendly. Eggs are rich in protein, and one egg provides 6 gms of proteins, which helps control blood sugar levels and prevents them from spiking. Eggs also make a person feel full for longer, which is important when it comes to managing type 2 diabetes. Since diabetics can develop heart disease and become overweight, overeating should be avoided, and eggs help them do just that! Berries with yogurt Another diabetes-friendly snack that helps control blood sugar levels, it is tasty and full of antioxidants. Berries protect the cells in the pancreas and reduce inflammation, and the pancreas releases hormones that are responsible for lowering blood sugar levels. Yogurt, on the other hand, is rich in probiotics and boosts gut health and immunity.
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6 Foods That Help Soothe IBS Symptoms Naturally

6 Foods That Help Soothe IBS Symptoms Naturally

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can interfere with a person’s daily life, making it difficult for them to lead a normal life. Not everyone has the same triggers or symptoms, so understanding one’s triggers is the first step to managing the condition. In this regard, one of the biggest challenges patients face is identifying the foods that trigger the symptoms. Adding the following natural foods that can help manage IBS to one’s daily diet can help manage it effectively: Whole grain bread and cereals : Fiber-rich foods are the best natural foods that can help manage IBS. One can get about 4 grams of fiber with every serving of whole grains, but it’s important to ensure that one isn’t gluten-sensitive. Depending on the symptoms experienced, one must add fiber gradually to their diet. Also, it’s advisable to spread the consumption of fibrous foods throughout the day rather than in one meal. This way, the intestines can digest the fiber better, and one should also drink enough water to improve fiber digestion. Vegetables and eggs : Those with IBS must avoid cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, but they can load up on natural foods that can help manage IBS, like eggplant, green beans, celery, spinach, and carrots.
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5 Foods to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels

5 Foods to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Poor lifestyle, genetic factors, and underlying various other health conditions can lead to high blood cholesterol levels, which elevate the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Experts and doctors also believe that dietary habits can cause high blood cholesterol. So, incorporating a few changes in dietary habits and replacing certain foods with healthier ones can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Here are 5 foods to eat when you have high cholesterol: Oats The first food to add to your daily diet is oats. A whole grain, it improves overall health and reduces blood cholesterol levels. It is packed with soluble fiber that keeps cholesterol and its precursors bound in the digestive tract, and it gets rid of them before they enter the bloodstream. Oats can be included in your diet in the form of oat-based cold cereal or oatmeal and get 1-2 grams of soluble fiber. For added taste and nutrition, you can add strawberries or bananas to the mix. It is a delicious and healthy breakfast or snack option, making it one of the top 5 foods to eat when you have high cholesterol. Beans Another food that helps lower blood cholesterol levels is beans, which is rich in soluble fiber.
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