5 Houseplants to Keep Away from Cats
Houseplants are small ways to make your surroundings look brighter and warm. People love growing plants both indoors and outdoors. Some of the common houseplants that you love can be dangerous for your pet cat. Here is a list of trendy houseplants that are toxic to cats. You should avoid growing these at home when you have a curious cat around. Asian Lily Lilies are beautiful flowers that come in different colors and also have a pleasant smell. However, these are on the top in the list of trendy houseplants that are toxic to cats. They are so harmful to cats that if any part of the plant such as the leaves or flowers are ingested, it can lead to kidney damage and kidney failure. Experts say that almost all kinds of lily varieties are harmful to house pets. Jade Jade can be grown indoors and outdoors and this is a no-fuss plant. It needs less maintenance and grows all on its own. If you are tempted to grow this plant at home, then don’t. Consuming the leaves of jade can lead to side effects such as vomiting, slower heart rate, and loss of muscle function in your cat. If you suspect your cat did eat the leaves or the stalk of the jade plant, rush to the hospital right away.
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