Top Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth at Home

Top Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth at Home

Everyone is envious of a beautiful, white smile. Statistics indicate that teeth whitening is the most requested dental procedure. For instance, Americans spend about $2 billion for teeth whitening annually. Teeth whitening is a dental procedure that makes the teeth appear whiter, using chemicals (i.e., carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide). However, natural teeth whitening procedures can be done at home gently and without using bleaching agents. The following are some natural ways to safely whiten teeth at home:

1. Brush with baking soda
Many toothpaste products contain baking soda due to its natural whitening properties. Baking soda products are inexpensive compared to dental procedures. The products are alkaline in nature, preventing the formation of bacteria. Over time, brushing with baking soda will whiten the user’s teeth. Studies indicate that the higher the amount of baking soda used, the higher the results. Brushing with one teaspoon of baking soda and water should be enough to whiten the teeth.

2. Avoid drinks that stain
Drinks like coffee, soda, and wine are known to cause stains on the teeth. To maintain white teeth, it is recommended that individuals limit staining foods and beverages. For certain individuals, it is difficult to limit the use of these products. However, brushing the teeth after using such beverages and foods reduces the amount of stain in the teeth. Additionally, it is crucial to use a straw when consuming beverages because it avoids contact with the teeth.

3. Use hydrogen peroxide
Medical procedures use hydrogen peroxide due to its ability to kill bacteria. As indicated, bacteria are formed by rotting food in the mouth, causing acid production that damages the teeth. Thus, using the product is an effective way of naturally whitening the teeth. Several studies have revealed that most toothpastes use the product to strengthen their whitening ability. Peroxide products are inexpensive than dental procedures. However, users must note that the product only works with time.

4. Eat foods like strawberries
Physicians indicate that foods like vegetables and strawberries are good for the body and the teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid that helps in discoloration of the teeth. When used together with baking soda, strawberries are an effective natural way of whitening your teeth. Studies indicate that strawberries have a minimal effect on the enamel. However, it should be used in standard quantities to minimize tooth damages.

5. Oil pulling
Oil pulling involves swishing oil in the mouth to kill bacteria that produces an acid that turns the teeth yellow. The remedy was traditionally used by Indians to eliminate toxic stuff from the body. Coconut oil is perfect for the task since it has a pleasant smell. Many individuals claim that after they performed the exercise, their teeth whitened. This is a natural way of whitening your teeth since it does not involve any chemical use. Moreover, it is cheaper than dental procedures.