The Worst Human Foods for Pets

The Worst Human Foods for Pets

Giving your dogs and cats human foods may seem perfectly healthy. However, some human foods pose a significant risk to the life of your cat or dog. For instance, certain human foods can cause mild digestive upsets, while others can lead to an allergic reaction or severe pet toxicity, including symptoms of drooling, confusion, dehydration, heart palpitations, and in severe cases, heart or kidney failure.

Here is a look at some of the common foods that can be toxic for cats and dogs:

1. Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic are classified as species of the Allium family. They contain compounds disulfides and thiosulphates, which are harmful when fed to a dog or a cat. The compounds damage the pet’s red blood cells, preventing them from circulating oxygen in the animal’s body. Besides, they can cause anemia to the animal, leading to internal organ failure, leading to death. Some of the signs of pet toxicity arising from the ingestion of garlic and onions include:

  • Occasional vomiting and diarrhea
  • Pale yellow-colored gums
  • Red or brown discolored urine
  • Reduced appetite

2. Raw eggs, meat, and bones
Feeding your pet with raw eggs and meat can be harmful to the animal. This is because they contain bacteria E. Coli and Salmonella, which causes poisoning to the animals. Raw eggs are also known to have the enzyme Avidin. The enzyme lowers the absorption of biotin vitamin, which causes skin and coat problems to the animal. Also, feeding your pet with raw bones can damage their teeth, choke them, or cause severe injuries to their digestive tracts.

3. Chocolate and caffeine
Feeding your dog or cat with milk-based chocolate and caffeinated substances poses a significant threat to the feline. They contain methylxanthines and theobromine substances. The compounds are naturally metabolized in the human body but not animal bodies. Any amount of chocolate or caffeinated drink is harmful to your pet when ingested. Signs of chocolate and caffeine ingestion include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Low blood pressure
  • Excessive thirst

4. Grapes and raisins
When ingested by your dog or cat, small amounts of grapes and raisins can immediately develop kidney failure to the animal. Vomiting is likely to occur within the first twelve hours of ingestion, followed by diarrhea. Others signs of pet toxicology from grapes and raisins ingestion include lethargy, abdominal pains, and reduced appetite

To avoid feeding your pet potentially toxic human foods, keep the foods on this list out of their reach as much as possible. If your pet shows any signs of pet toxicity, please consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.