Effective Essential Oils to Boost Hair Growth

Effective Essential Oils to Boost Hair Growth

If you have dry, frizzy hair, many people will suggest oiling it to get back its shine. Oiling on a regular basis does help achieve shiny and healthy hair without spending a fortune on expensive products and treatments. Oiling as a method to revive dull hair has been around for ages. Here we bring you the different oils that aid hair growth and help manage your hair issues.

Rosemary oil
If you are suffering from excessive hair fall and thinning of hair, apply rosemary oil on your scalp and gently massage with the tips of your fingers. This will allow the oil to seep in and nourish your hair roots. Rosemary oil can also be mixed with other fragrant and naturally sourced oils to help stimulate the hair follicles. Rosemary oil boasts of properties that can help in promoting shine, prevent hair loss, and reduce the effects of aging on your hair. It has iron, calcium, and Vitamin B.

Sweet almond oil
It is also one of the best and most popular oils that aid hair growth. Sweet almond oil is full of Vitamins B, E, and A. Similar to other nut oils, it can work wonders in reducing split-ends. It also helps bring about a remarkable improvement in the circulation of blood to the scalp. This results in stronger and thicker hair. This oil is also responsible for adding luster and shine to frizzy and dull hair. The fatty acids found in the oil keep hair safe from harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun. Heating the oil a little before applying it gently on the scalp can absorb the skin better.

Avocado oil
This oil is perfect for those who have coarse hair. Since this oil is rich in proteins and amino acids, it makes coarse hair smooth. Using this oil regularly twice a week can help hair stay glowing and shiny.

Peppermint oil
This oil has been found to be effective in enhancing hair growth. When applied during the anagen or growing phase of hair. It increases the flow of blood to the scalp and improves follicular strength. This oil can also be mixed with a carrier oil of your choice. Massage it gently on the scalp using your fingertips for at least five minutes and leave it for a while. Use shampoo and conditioner to rinse it off completely.

Lavender essential oil
This oil is effective in promoting the growth of new skin cells and consequently, hair growth. It helps in keeping the scalp clean due to its antibacterial properties. It also helps to boost hair health.

Tea tree oil
This is one of the best hair oils that aid hair growth. It has antibacterial properties that keep the scalp clean. Regular oiling can have excellent results.

All these oils that aid hair growth is easily available. Choose the one that suits your hair perfectly.