Dietary Dos and Don’ts to Manage Urinary Tract Infections

Dietary Dos and Don’ts to Manage Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) lead to abdominal pain, painful urination, and cramping. UTIs are more prevalent in women as they have a shorter urethra than men, but the condition can be managed by consuming a well-balanced diet. Here are some foods to eat and avoid for people with UTI:

Foods to eat
The following foods can be quite effective in reducing the exasperating symptoms of a UTI:

  • Cranberry juice:  Cranberry juice comprises a distinct set of phytochemicals that stop infection-causing bacteria from reaching the urinary tract walls. The juice flushes the bacteria out of the body, so non-concentrated and unsweetened cranberry juice is recommended to treat and prevent UTIs. One should drink a quarter cup of cranberry juice with water thrice a day.
  • Water:  Drinking water aids in flushing out the harmful bacteria from the body and prevent the development of UTIs by diluting the contents of the bladder. Consuming more water leads to frequent urination, which alleviates irritation in the urinary tract, so it’s important to drink water as soon as one feels thirsty.
  • Probiotics:  The consumption of fermented foods and probiotics like kombucha, kefir, raw cheese, pickles, apple cider vinegar, and yogurt prevents UTIs. UTIs are caused when dangerous bacteria like E. coli replace the healthy bacteria in the urinary tract, and these foods help eliminate harmful bacteria from the body. Besides, these foods also prevent the chances of recurrent UTIs.

Foods to avoid
When wondering which foods to eat and which ones to avoid for managing UTIs, here’s a list of foods one should stay away from:

  • Coffee:  Coffee is considered to be an irritant and a common stimulant for the bladder, so people who consume coffee daily are more prone to developing UTIs.
  • Alcohol:  Alcohol is a diuretic and can produce large amounts of urine in a short period, which might reduce the strength of the pelvic muscles and even cause irritation in the bladder. So, it’s best for people with a UTI to avoid alcohol consumption.
  • Spicy foods:  Spicy food should be avoided by a person with a UTI, as it might cause a burning sensation while urinating. Additionally, it acts as an irritant to the bladder, making urination painful. Excess intake of cayenne, black pepper, and chili flakes should be avoided, and one should opt for herbs like thyme and rosemary instead.
  • Diet soda:  This is one of the most harmful things one can consume when they have a UTI. Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners and caffeine, and artificial sweeteners like aspartame can cause pain in the bladder area.

These are some of the common foods to eat and avoid for managing the symptoms of a UTI effectively. One can consult a doctor or nutritionist for guidance on preparing a suitable meal plan to meet their daily nutritional requirements while avoiding all harmful foods.